Boppard Stained Glass Blog


  1. Welcome to the Boppard Project Blog
  2. So what is the “Boppard Conservation Project”?
  3. Introducing Marie and Megan
  4. Getting started…
  5. Taking the first window off display
  6. To conserve or to restore, that is the question!
  7. First investigations
  8. What is the Carmelite Church of Boppard?
  9. Why were the windows removed from the church?
  10. First observations
  11. The Life of Christ and the Virgin panels
  12. Old Lead Repairs
  13. Facts about Glass – Early Manufacture
  14. Facts about Glass – Making Crown Glass
  15. Facts about Glass – Making Cylinder Glass
  16. Facts about Glass – Comparing Crown and Cylinder Glass
  17. The Life of Christ and The Virgin panels – Birth of the Virgin
  18. De-installation of the 9th Commandment Window
  19. Facts about Glass – Creating Coloured Glass; Pot-metal glass
  20. The Life of Christ and The Virgin panels –The Annunciation
  21. Facts about Glass: Flashed Glass techniques
  22. The Life of Christ and The Virgin panels – Agony in the Garden Panel
  23. Facts about Glass: Flashed glass examples
  24. The Life of Christ and The Virgin panels – Christ Before Pilate Panel
  25. Facts about Glass: Insertions
  26. The Life of Christ and The Virgin panels – Resurrection
  27. The Life of Christ and The Virgin panels – Christ Appearing to Peter
  28. Facts about Glass: Jewels
  29. Boppard Panel – Siegfried von Gelnhausen and his Wife
  30. Facts about Glass: Early Glass Painting
  31. Donors – In Stained Glass
  32. Facts about glass: Glass Painting Part 2
  33. The Boppard Ten Commandments Windows
  34. Project Update: June 2013
  35. Depictions of the Virgin and Child
  36. Depicting the Devil
  37. Depicting God
  38. Facts about Glass: Sanguine and Carnation
  39. Facts about Glass: Silver Stain
  40. Standing Figures from the West Window of the Nave of the Carmelite Church at Boppard-am-Rhein
  41. The Two Saints panels from Boppard in the Burrell Collection
  42. Cartoons
  43. Designs for Stained Glass
  44. Boppard Abroad
  45. Bishop Saints in Stained Glass at the Burrell
  46. Boppard Abroad: Detroit Institute of Art
  47. Boppard Abroad – Newport Rhode Island: Ochre Court
  48. Boppard Abroad – Newport Rhode Island: Seaview Terrace
  49. Standing Saints in Tapestry
  50. Standing Saints in a Limestone Retable
  51. Boppard Abroad – at the Schnuetgen Museum, Koeln
  52. The Town of Boppard and the Carmelite Church
  53. Stone Tracery
  54. Happy Festive Season to all our readers
  55. History of the Carmelite Church
  56. Canopies in Art
  57. Canopies in Stained Glass
  58. Looking at Dirt, Corrosion and Paint
  59. The Costume of Pilate in the Boppard Panels
  60. Halos in the Boppard Panels
  61. The Boppard Faces
  62. Armour in the Boppard Panels
  63. Repairing Broken Glass
  64. Faces in the Boppard Panels – Identification and results of the survey
  65. Repairing Fractures
  66. A final word on the outcome of our faces survey
  67. The workshops that made the windows for the Carmelite Church at Boppard
  68. Repairing Fractures III
  69. Facts about glass – Cutting and shaping glass
  70. Facts about glass – Assembling a stained-glass panel
  71. A Digital Restoration of the Birth of the Virgin Panel
  72. Reinstallation of the Boppard Panels
  73. Examples of Writing in Stained Glass
  74. Final words